
jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Peter Higgs and his “weak force elementary particle”.

By Josuè Mendez

God’s creation secret reveled as a “weak force elementary particle” by a professor.

Peter Higgs was born on May 29 in 1929, Newcastle. For a long time he worked in the question that many scientific was and are figuring out about the structures of laps of the universe and how can galaxies and its components can be held together.  His early life pass upon Tyne in the United Kingdom, graduated with honors in his class, got the first place in Physics, and thanks to his agility in it, Higgs will be reaching in the upcoming years, the point of existence of the vacuous particle.

 In July 16, 1964, he checked some new research papers and foretold the occurrence of the scalar particle that is essential for our understanding of three out of the four forces of nature. 

The first one being gravitation, the one that pulls you down into your seat, towa­rd the Earth's center. Second, electromagnetism interacts in you­r computer monitor or telephone, which is responsible for generating the light that allows you to read the screen. The third force is nuclear, that holds the nucleus of atoms together. Fourth force is weak, responsible for radioactive decay, between protons and neutrons, making a fundamental contribution to physics with major consequences for our understanding of the origins of the universe. 

When Peter Higgs, was finally able to show the world his idea of a new particle, he was rejected at his first try. It wasn’t until the second time that his idea was accepted after further examination, as it was also in question to be rejected. This then caused a division of ideas giving him chance that catapulted Higgs to be the front man of the disparate band. By August 1965, Higgs took a sabbatical, getting a close relationship with his family. While Jody was heavily pregnant, allowing him to get a job at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with the same idea in his mind, he kept working on those days, coincidentally, about a critical moment in the birth of the Universe. As famous as he was, the fame put a new stress on his family life. The following years, he faced plenty of problems such as getting divorced, being psychologically unstable, having a car accident, and facing financial problems. The divorce cost him the financial stability that had underpinned his discoveries because of the alimony he had to pay. His accident led him to become depressed allowing him to relieve from the contents of his wallet. Higgs had decided to give up chasing glory and devoted himself to teaching.
Finally, on the 4th of July, 2012 in Switzerland, it was announced in a specialized laboratory the discovery of the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle, and the explanation of a an idea not about a hoary God creating the universe in six days, or talking about a magical "big bang" that splattered matter across the cosmos, but in fact about the idea of that the matter made up of little tiny bits that are made up of even tinier bits, none of which actually have any mass. 

In other words, the whole universe is made up of nothing or is made up from the “God particle”, the particle that a man who has gone throughout a tough life, with the idea of this subatomic particle that somehow interacts with other subatomic particles in a way that changes their energy into mass. On the other hand, “God particle” is also a confirmation of the non-existence of God, but a careful examination of the situation that reveals the opposite as being true. Someone answers the physics question about creation, and is, in his unassuming way to paint and imagined a vast fact where Higgs needed nothing more than himself and a sharpened pencil to its appropriate end of the particle formula. Now his elusive name has the power to change the world.

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